Saturday, March 10, 2012

More choices...

I'm still thinking about those choices that I mentioned before.  You know, the little ones that you make along the way while waiting for your life to start?  Yeah, those.

For me it was, "I want to be a teacher and make a difference. But I need money for college. So, I'll just take one year off, save some money and then go back to school."  Or, "I'll join the Army, get some training, and get money for school so that I'm not in retail my entire life."   Or, my favorite, "I know he's not right for me but I can date him until my soulmate comes along." 

No, I'm not a teacher, but I was in retail management for 25 years.  I taught people every single day and I made a difference. The Army didn't pay for my education because I didn't go back to school. But it did help me buy a house and settle down.  And the guy?  He's long gone but he left me with the best things in my life.  My children.  My life finally started when I had my girls.

And those dumb choices that I made don't look so dumb afterall. I may not have ended up where I planned to be but I ended up where I am meant to be.

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