Sunday, September 17, 2017

In the trenches...

When I take Mom out, we tend to go to the same places... over and over.  The ladies at McDonald's know that Mom always begs for cookies.  The man at Walmart always nods at us.  Crystal at Burger King knows when Mom is having a bad day.  The repetition is good for Mom and it's easier to deal with Mom's meltdowns in these places.

Today we went to Target and had a "new" clerk check us out.  I say new because she didn't know us.  Mom did her usual varied routine.  Today she was angry with the woman for taking something that belonged to her.  I said my normal, "I'm sorry, she has Alzheimer's."  She smiled and said that she recognized the signs.  I told her that I was sorry that she did because that meant that she has dealt with it.  She said, "Dealing with it. My grandparents and mother."  She said, "But, your mom is still able to get out.  And it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and you're still nice to her."  She got it!  She wasn't looking down her nose, knowing how to do it better.  She has been in the trenches and knows that despite our best intentions, we do lose our patience.

She made my day.


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